Proactive vs. Reactive

We need to re-focus.

Modern medicine is reactive. I have such and such symptom, what can I do about it… What if we shift? What if we start being proactive about our health? I have such and such a problem, what is causing it? How can I prevent it? Why is it so hard for our culture to sit, contemplate, and re-think how we have been doing things for so many years. We should be asking ourselves… How can we do this better?

I am asking. I know I can do better. I know you can too. (and I don’t mean to imply you are doing poorly, no judgment here) There is always room for improvement, our nature is to change, adapt and create. How can you proactively adapt to present yourself with the best odds?

I started easy, goal 1 - March 2020: Drink more water with lemon, and measure how much you are drinking in a day.

goal 2 April 2020: Go to bed on time (this is sort of a cheat for me tho - I love going to bed, I had this already in the bag)

goal 3 May 2020: Add veggies in as much as possible (the CSA I mentioned in the Nourishment Article)

goal 4 June 2020: Stop eating dairy - I have reason to believe that this is the driving cause of the terrible acne I have had my whole life (but DAMN I love me some cheese) Brutal honesty - THIS IS SO HARD, STILL A STRUGGLE mid July. Amended November 2021- I found a local farm that provides high quality raw dairy products and have been enjoying raw milk and cheese with no belly disruptions and clearer skin! (See how I got around that- there are loopholes for everything!)

It is important to recognize that these are my goals, and yours could and should be entirely different. But in common I’d like to see more proactive changes. How can you prevent illness and promote wellness within yourself? All the reactions happening are even more proof of the chaos that comes with not being prepared.

“May the odds be ever in your favor…” -damn right they are gonna be, cause I’m working my ass of for those odds!


Immune Function