Immune Function

If there ever was a year to think about immune function, it is 2020. Amidst, the COVID-19 pandemic are you wondering...”How can I naturally boost my Immune System?”

Try to keep in mind, that we have been fighting off germs and toxins since the day we were born. Our body is designed for health and well-being. Our home provides an abundance of resources to help us achieve optimal function. The first step to boost your immune system is to make sure you are eating a nutrient dense, properly prepared, variety of whole food. This will ensure that your body has the ingredients to make the best you! You are what you eat!

There are generally 3 types of people when it comes to immune function. People who never get sick. Those that always get sick, and optimally those that get a cold 2-3 times per year. By a cold I mean; relatively crummy feeling but does not stop daily activities.

I am a never get sick person. What that means is that my immune system (and adrenals) are on HIGH ALERT. Anything and everything that I throw at my immune system is gobbled up and tossed away quick. This is not ideal because honestly, its exhausting. It gobbles up way too many precious resources, and requires a significant amount of energy.

Those that always get sick will argue that they have it worse, and I don’t disagree - the thing is; the solution for both of these scenarios is the same! We both need to strengthen our defenses and remove the stressors! So the next step to boost your immune system is to do just that. Make sure you are getting adequate resources of Vitamin C, D, Magnesium and Zinc lots of fluids (and of course by fluids I mean water), complex carbohydrates for energy, and fiber for elimination! Prioritize self care! Analyze and remove sources of stress!

Healthcare should be proactive and selfish. In these times of difficulty, if nothing else, get back in touch with yourself; those things that matter to you and bring you joy.

Blessings for the New Year.


Proactive vs. Reactive

