Legal Mumbo Jumbo.


It all begins with a who dunnit. I am no expert or lawyer, however any personal information collected, intentionally or unintentionally will be kept private to the best of my ability. If you should need to access or change any information that has been collected, please email or call me. Any changes to this page will be posted here with a notification of change.

Any disputes will be handled in Canandaigua NY, If you plan on using my intellectual property (I sure hope you do) please do your best to cite me, refer it back to me, or really just be polite and kind. Same goes for if you leave a comment or share something, mutual respect. I reserve the right to refuse service, based on mutual respect.

I do not hold any medical licenses, I do not diagnose or treat. I am in the process of being trained as a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner with the Nutritional Therapy Association.